Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Today's Creation

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

yippeeee.....look what I can do Mommy!

Here's Kylah doing straddle jumps at the gym!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Red Carpet Moment

Doesn't this look they are movie stars walking the red carpet?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Tom and Kate's Wedding

Here are some of my favorites from the wedding! Thank you Tom and Kate for letting us share in your special day! We love you guys!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kylah in Vietnam

I put Kylah in Vietnam. A little photoshop magic!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Logo contest

These are the logos I entered in a logo contest for this new place that opened called White Horse. I think my favorite is the white one, but I can't decide.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Balloon Girl!

I was sitting in the office working this morning and Kylah came in with a mouth full of balloons trying to blow them all up at the same time. It was so cute I had to capture it! If you look close you can see her one dilated pupil!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New photo montage

These 2 are almost indentical except the first photo. Which one is cuter???

My Favorite!

This is my favorite of Kylah and I love this one of the two of them together. You would never know they weren't cooperating! They were running around like crazy people so I just started clicking away! I love them!!!

Enchilada Recipe

Alot of people have asked me for this recipe so here it is!
Check out my letters! I finally figured out how to make letters in any pattern I want!

look for more favorite recipes to come!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Kylah lost her 1st tooth!

Kylah lost her 1st tooth right before Easter. Bill had taken the kids to see his family in Grand Forks, and the 1st night they were there she pulled it out. I was sad to miss it but Bill did a great job taking some photos for me so I could document the moment!

Friday, April 4, 2008

So cool!

It's has taken me this long to notice and Chris is the one that pointed it out to me, but my printing company that I use prints Simply Expressive Photography on the back of every print! I was so excited to see this!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Birthday Invite!

I thought I'd share Kylah's birthday invite! We went with the gymnastics theme since she's having her party at North Crest. But she doesn't want a gymnastics cake, she wants a popcorn box cake that she saw in a magazine. SILLY GIRL!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I can now check the "some college" box!!! I officially started college today!!! I had my first class at the MN School of Business and I love it!

My baby girl

Here is a picture of my baby girl on Friday as we were leaving the opthamologist office. I don't know if all of you know this, but Kylah was born with a severely far sighted eye. +6.50 to be exact. Her other eye is perfect. So when this happens the brain shuts off the use of that eye and the "good" eye kicks in and does all the seeing. They tried to fix this with glasses but its not happening fast enough. Kylah only has til the age of 7 or 8 before the eye is not able to be corrected anymore. If we don't get it corrected and something were to ever happen to her "good" eye the doc said she would never be able to drive a car or see normal out of that eye. So they patched her up as we were leaving. This lasted all of 20 minutes before Kylah started to freak out and peel it off her eye. There is an alternative which we are going to try. It's a drop that I will put in her "good" eye daily which dialates the eye and causes it to be blurry for about 4-6 hours. This is supposed to force the "bad" eye to start working. We'll see how this goes.